Our Services

Our Service Overview

A Commitment to Excellence

First steps will support families and providers to:

Families look forward to seeing their child’s first smile, first words and first step. Frequent screenings support to boost the knowledge of a child’s developmental trajectory, making it easier to expect and celebrate developmental milestones as they occur.

The regular screenings support families, teachers, and other professionals to make certain that young children get the services and supports they need, and as early as possible to help them succeed alongside their peers.

Merging the love and understanding families have of their children with tools, guidance, and tips recommended by professionals can make the most of the developmental support children receive.

Special Education, Screening, Assessment & Monitoring

Our screening and evaluation helps to identify your child's learning challenges, determine the severity of the disability, and identify targeted interventions.

Developing IFSPs & IEPs

We offer quality IFSP & IEP process to the determine what services a young child with developmental delays or disabilities needs

Facilitating Your Child's Placement and Transition Process

Using one direction at a time, encouragement, redirection and modeling, we help in your child's transition process.

Child and Parental Advocate

We provide professional advocacy for both parents and children, including representing parents in IEP meetings.

Quality Professional Development Trainings for Teachers

Our training program areas include classroom management, school management, UDL and curriculum management.

+1 330 593 8334